Small Business Website Offer with 1st Year of VPS Hosting FREE
Payment Option: 12 months @ $265.00
At DePinho Design, we specialize in creating robust, fully customized websites for small businesses across a variety of industries. Get a high-quality, professional website that showcases your brand, drives growth, and lets you stay focused on what you do best!
What's Included:
Custom Website Design & Development:
Example of pages included in the offer:
HOME - page
business overview, first impression, & CTA. -
ABOUT US - page
mission, history, team, and unique value. -
Services/Products - page
offerings, benefits, and pricing. -
Portfolio/Case Studies - page
showcased work, and success stories -
Testimonials - page
customer reviews to build trust -
FAQ - page
answers to common customer inquiries -
CONTACT - page
phone, email, address, form, and map.
(with submission link to THANK YOU page) -
(located on all pages) -
404 - page
(for web pages that doesn't exist)
Responsive Layout:
Basic On-Page SEO:
FREE cPanel Email Accounts
Fast VPS Hosting:
VPS hosting provides dedicated resources that ensure improved performance, faster load times, and enhanced reliability, as your site remains unaffected by the activities of others on the server. With strong security through isolated environments, it offers scalability to adjust resources seamlessly as your website grows. Full root access allows for complete customization, enabling you to tailor the hosting environment to your specific needs. Additionally, your site is safeguarded with daily backups managed by the Backup Manager running in the background. Combining power and affordability, VPS hosting is a cost-effective solution for growing websites. <b>NOTE: </b>VPS hosting far outshines shared hosting in terms of performance and features, making the two options incomparable even from a pricing perspective.
Pro Plugins Included:
Quick Turnaround:
(Offer expires onMay 1st, 2025)
Add-On Servers:
Digital Marketing
Graphic Design & Photography
Content Management Service / $75.00 Hourly:
Website Maintenance / $65.00 Pre Event
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